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Can Congo And Timneh African Greys Breed?

Last Updated on January 28, 2024 by Carrie Stephens

Timneh African greys and Congo African greys can breed together and produce healthy, fertile offspring. They’re sufficiently genetically related that their offspring experience no health defects.

A Congo-Timneh cross isn’t a hybrid. A hybrid is the product of two different species. Due to physical, biological, and genetic differences, their offspring would be infertile and unhealthy.

Congos and Timnehs belong to the same family. According to Molecular Ecology, they’re so similar that the Timneh was considered a sub-species of the Congo African grey until recently.

Congo And Timneh Mating

Congo African greys and Timneh African greys can mate, but it’s improbable.

Here are the barriers they face to breeding:

can a congo and timneh mate?

Different Localities

A significant part of the breeding problem is where the species reside geographically.

Congo African grey parrots (Psittacus Erithacus) are from Equatorial Africa, while Timneh African greys (Psittacus Timneh) are from West Africa.

They don’t breed in the wild, so experts theorize that the species are from different parts of Africa. They don’t need to mate with another species when there’s a flock of same-species birds.


Congo and Timneh greys make entirely different sounds.

Vocalizations are an essential part of the mating process. When a parrot wants to mate, it’ll imitate the sounds of the parrot it wants to impress.

Different flocks produce unique sounds. If a parrot wants to join a new flock, it’ll be well-received if it learns how to mimic the flock’s contact call.

Mating Conditions

Breeding African grey parrots is difficult because their environmental conditions must be optimal.

African greys are hard to care for because they get stressed. Parrots won’t want to mate when stressed, so only highly skilled breeders can crossbreed a Congo and Timneh offspring.

Congo and Timneh Hybrid Appearance

Many variations can occur when crossbreeding. Determining which physical traits are definitive is hard because many could be unique to the individual bird.

Congo Timneh crosses are smaller than Congo African greys. They may have the same dark plumage as Timneh’s, but there are reports of offspring with light feathers, like Congos.

Congo African greys have red tail feathers. While some Congo-Timnehs are born with some red in their tails, it isn’t known if the feathers change color once they grow older.

Finding accurate information about authentic Congo-Timneh crosses is difficult because many breeders acquire African grey crosses that resemble regular birds.

Difference Between Congo And Timneh African Greys

There are many differences between Congo greys and Timneh greys:

  • Size.
  • Plumage.
  • Behavior.
  • Maturity level.

Congo and Timneh African greys are from the same parrot family, so they were considered the same species for many decades. However, enough variances have since been established.

ParrotTimneh African GreysCongo African Greys
Average Weight:9.7 to 13.2 ounces.13.4 to 20 ounces.
Average Length:11 to 13 inches.12 to 16 inches.
Average Lifespan (in captivity):30 to 50 years.30 to 60 years.
Reaches Maturity:3 years old.4 to 5 years old.
Temperament:Calm with moderate trainability.Stressed and difficult to train.


Congo African greys have black beaks and light grey plumage. Their feathers stick out more, making them appear fluffier than Timnehs.

They’re larger, heavier, and have distinct red tail feathers. Their beaks appear smaller than Timneh’s, but only because their bodies are much larger.

Timneh African greys have a light-colored upper beak. Also, their plumage is a darker shade of grey, including their tail. Their dark feathers are tightly pressed against their body, making them look sleek.

Because they’re small, their beaks appear large despite being nearly the same size as a Congo’s.

difference between congo and timneh african grey

Intelligence, Personality, and Trainability

Both species have the same high intelligence level. Many birds can learn hundreds of words and are among the most skilled parrots at mimicking sounds.

Timneh African grey parrots usually learn to speak earlier than Congo greys. They also prefer making sounds over mimicking words, but can still be trained to mimic English words.

Congo African greys are more challenging to care for because they’re easily stressed and prone to anxiety. Getting them accustomed to others is difficult unless they’re socialized from an early age.

Congo and Timneh African greys can breed, but it’s rare and difficult to achieve.