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Where Is The Best Place To Put A Parrot Cage?

Where Is The Best Place To Put A Parrot Cage?

Last Updated on January 28, 2024 by Carrie Stephens

Choosing where to put a parrot cage isn’t as easy as it seems. If the birdcage position doesn’t meet a parrot’s requirements, it risks developing severe health and behavioral problems.

Avoid keeping a birdcage in or near the kitchen. Parrots’ respiratory systems are vulnerable to polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) from non-stick cookware (Tefal) and chemicals from cleaning products.

The bedroom is unsuitable. Parrots, especially large birds with powder-down feathers, release dust from their feathers, which can cause ‘bird fancier’s lung.’ Sleep disturbances are also a significant issue.

A parrot’s cage should be kept in a quiet, safe location. Parrots enjoy the company of their owners, so put the cage in a room you regularly frequent, like the corner of the living room.

Where To Put A Parrot Cage

At a basic level, house the parrot’s cage somewhere:

  • Quiet.
  • Warm and comfortable.
  • Safe and secure.
  • Free from footfall.
  • Away from direct sunlight or draughts.
  • Away from other pets and strangers.
  • Where it can interact with you.

Many substances are toxic to parrots, especially if ingested or airborne.

House the parrot away from the following airborne contaminants:

When choosing a room for a parrot cage, ensure it meets these criteria:

where to put a parrot cage

Against A Wall

Wild parrots keep themselves secure in nest cavities, which protect them from predators and harsh weather while they sleep. If parrots are housed in the open, they’ll feel vulnerable.

Instead, place the cage against two walls, ideally the corner of the room.

If this isn’t possible, put the cage against one wall and cover the other side with a blanket or sheet to create a feeling of safety and security.

Chest Level

Ensure the cage height isn’t too high or low. Parrots dislike being too low down because it makes them anxious and fearful. However, placing the cage too high can make them feel isolated.

Place the cage at chest level to make the parrot feel safe and secure.

Away from Windows

A parrot may occasionally be startled by things outdoors, like car headlights, birds flying past, or people walking into town. These are common causes of night frights.

Keeping the parrot away from windows ensures it’s not in direct sunlight, which causes overheating.

Somewhere Warm

Parrots come from warm climates, so replicate their natural environment by placing them in a room with sufficient heat. Parrots thrive in temperatures between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius.

Keep the cage away from heaters because sudden body temperature changes can cause ill health.

Near Humans

The University of Guelph found that captive parrots that couldn’t socialize exhibited abnormal behaviors. Put the cage in a room where you spend time.

Wild parrots live in flocks. Most parrots enjoy attention and bond with their owners. In an empty, unused room, they become bored and lonely. Signs of loneliness include:

Don’t put a parrot’s cage in a high-traffic area, especially if the people are relative strangers.

Somewhere Quiet

Parrots need a quiet environment, especially at night while they sleep. Covering the parrot’s cage blocks ambient light but doesn’t prevent noise pollution.

Parrots need 10 to 12 hours of sleep. Put the cage in a spot that won’t be affected by TV and radio noise, at least while it’s napping.

Away from Pets

If you have other pets, especially cats and dogs, keep them separated.

MDPI stated cats see birds as prey and will likely stalk a parrot. Dogs that bark and stare at the cage can cause distress, making the parrot feel unsafe.

Parrots can live in the same house as other animals but must be supervised. This involves keeping other pets away while the parrot sleeps.


Bedrooms aren’t always the size of living rooms, so there might be insufficient space for a large parrot cage, bed, and wardrobe(s). This could make navigating a bedroom perilous.

You’re unlikely to spend as much social time in your bedroom, meaning the parrot could become lonely and neglected. Other problems include:

  • Parrot allergies.
  • Windows.
  • Light exposure.
  • Late-night TV.

Parrot dust, feathers, and droppings can cause respiratory problems, like ‘bird fancier’s lung.’

Some birds, like African grays, cockatoos, and Amazon parrots, produce more dust than others because they have powder-down feathers.

Parrots are noisy, and some vocalize more than others. If the parrot awakens at sunrise, you’ll be awoken by various vocalizations. If you get up earlier than the parrot, you’ll disturb its sleep.

Living Room

The living room may be the best place to house a birdcage. You’re more likely to spend time in the living room, providing the parrot companionship and mental stimulation.

When housing the parrot in the living room, do the following:

  • Close all blinds or curtains when the sun’s too bright.
  • Keep the parrot a sensible distance from curtain cords.
  • Maintain a consistent room temperature.
  • Keep wires away from the cage because parrots chew everything.
  • Allow them to observe and familiarize themselves with their environment.
  • Don’t open the windows when the parrot is out of its cage.

You must turn off the TV earlier and set the volume low.


Kitchens can be dangerous places for parrots due to the risk of Teflon toxicity. Also known as PTFE poisoning, it’s a respiratory condition caused by overheated cookware coated with Teflon.

Teflon-coated utensils release a colorless, odorless gaseous toxin called polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). Non-stick pots and pans can also release this toxin.

Due to their efficient respiratory systems, parrots are sensitive to inhaled toxins and can die within 24 hours of exposure. The signs of PTFE poisoning are subtle but include:

  • Breathing difficulties.
  • Weakness.
  • Fluffed appearance.
  • Inability to use a perch.
  • Listlessness.
  • Coma.

Many foods are toxic to parrots, including:

Each time you prepare these foods, the parrot risks ingesting them or inhaling toxic fumes. It’ll also be exposed to chemical-based sprays when you clean the kitchen.


A bathroom’s too humid for the parrot to live in, especially after you’ve had a hot bath or shower. The rapidly changing temperatures are likely to make the parrot sick and stressed.

Similarly, you’re likely to open a window or use an extractor fan to remove humidity after a shower. If this is the case, the room will get too cold.

Toilets can also be dangerous if the parrot falls in and can’t escape due to the slippery surface.

You’re more likely to use toxic substances in bathrooms. Parrots can be adversely affected by the smell of cleaning products, like bleach.

A parrot should be in a bathroom only if it needs a shower or has a respiratory condition and needs steam to unclog its blocked sinuses.

can I put my parrot's cage outside?

Parrot’s Cage Outside

Outdoor living enables parrots to synthesize vitamin D3, which strengthens bones and eggshells and boosts the immune system. Outdoor aviaries are also larger and more spacious.

Colder climates aren’t as good for parrots’ health as warm, sunnier places. Parrots kept outside are also more vulnerable to the elements, including wind, rain, and snow.

There are other considerations when housing the parrot outdoors, including:

  • Disease-causing pathogens.
  • Toxins, like pollution and pesticides, are carried by the wind.
  • Predators, like birds of prey, snakes, cats, and bats.

If you only have 1 parrot in the aviary, it’ll grow bored. Garden aviaries are best suited for housing many birds where they can keep each other company.

You can keep the parrot in an aviary if the:

  • The climate is bird-appropriate.
  • No predators live in your area, or you’ve taken steps to keep them away.
  • Parrot prefers living outside more than indoors.

The living room is the best place for a parrot’s cage, provided you don’t smoke or vape indoors and keep noise to a minimum after sunset. Also, avoid leaving an adjoining door to the kitchen open.